Bill Weld can unseat Trump, or at least expose Trump's incredible incompetence.
"Bill Weld Is Taking On The Trump Monster Because Some Republican Has To"
The former Massachusetts governor is the first — and so far, only — Republican to challenge the president in the 2020 primaries.
By S.V. Date March 31, 2019
"Today, at age 73, Weld says he remains a conservative when it comes to spending and taxes. He says he would cut taxes even beyond where Republicans have cut them during the George W. Bush and Trump presidencies but would do so only after cutting spending first.
Yet even to conservative audiences, Weld speaks about his commitment to inclusion of racial minorities and the LGBT community. At a meeting with advocates for domestic violence victims, he explains how, as governor, he forced judges to undergo training so abused women would no longer have to hear “what did you do to annoy your husband or boyfriend” from the bench. He takes credit for having introduced “battered women’s syndrome” into case law in Massachusetts and for having commuted the sentences of eight women sent to prison for killing abusive partners."
Weld lists Trump nasty acts.
"On Trump’s fitness for the job: “Basically, for his career, he was a New York and Palm Beach socialite who spent his time judging beauty contests, and that’s not preparation for being in the Oval Office. It’s almost small wonder that he would say, ‘Oh, yeah, you tell women you’re a star, you can grab ‘em anywhere you want.’ Well, we don’t need to put up with that in the Oval Office.”
About Trump’s attacks on NATO and traditional Western European allies: “Vladimir Putin, in his wildest dreams, never could have imagined an American president saying something like that.”
On Trump’s admiration for the dictators like Putin in Russia or Kim Jong Un in North Korea: “It’s no secret that he’s kind of cozied up to the foreign leaders who are despots and autocratic, and I hope that’s not a prelude to trying to import that kind of government into the United States. Sometimes it seems like it is.”
But what seems to anger Weld the most about Trump are the casual attacks on minority groups and foreigners — what he calls Trump’s “immigration jihad,” starting with Mexicans, moving on to Muslims and Central American asylum-seekers: “There’s always somebody that’s guilty of threatening the purity of the United States.”"