Is Tweety Trump the anti-Christ arrival? Is Kelly Anne Conway his loyal servant? Recent 95 Aug 2019) mass shooting in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, reveal stupidity of the GOP partnership with the NRA. Videon games do not cause the killings, GUN CAUSE THE KILLINS.
Tweety Trump merely inpsres more violence continuousaly, and his loyal servant Kelly Anner Conway continues to say Tweety Trump is fighting these evils as he reads words written for him that he does not really care about.
"‘How do you stop these people?’: Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric looms over El Paso massacre"
By Philip Rucker White House Bureau Chief August 4, 2019 at 5:04 PM
Everyone has seen it, Tweety trump rallying his people, asking how you stop them, and the shout," Shoot them!" Tweety Trump laughs!
In another rally after Tweety Trump called out "The Squad," telling them in a tweet to go back where they came from, his followers chanted "Send them back and it took him 13 seconds to continue. TWEETY DID NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THAT CHANT!
"Watch the tape. There's no way to spin Donald Trump's 'send her back' complicity"
Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 4:08 PM ET, Thu July 18, 2019
"Trump falsely claims he tried to stop ‘Send her back!’ chants about Rep. Ilhan Omar"
By Salvador Rizzo Reporter for The Fact Checker July 18, 2019
"CNN's Amanpour vs. Kellyanne Conway: Will You And Trump's Advisors "Seek To Restrict His Twitter Use" After Mass Shootings?"
Posted By Tim Hains On Date August 5, 2019
""The experts say there are climates of hate that are created, usually from the top," Amanpour said. "So I'm asking you: Will you and the president's advisors seek to restrict his Twitter use and his other use of these words? What he said about Elijah Cummings, what he said about Baltimore, what he says about migrants? Yes or no, it is simple, because if it is no, it stays there at the top."
"No, I'm not telling you what we discuss with the president," Conway fired back.
"No, I'm asking you, do you agree with that?" Amanpour interrupted. "Do you agree with it? Infestation. Invasions. These are important words. Look back in history, Kellyanne."
"You keep repeating it because a day ago your network insisted that the president would not come out and denounce racism, white supremacy, bigotry, call this evil, call him a monster, try to fix our mental health system," Conway replied.
"So the simple follow-up question is, will he then not say those things on the air, on Twitter, on social media again?"
"I'm not going to allow you to equate him with the murderers," Conway replied.
"You know I didn't do that, I'm asking about his words," Amanpour said.
"I heard a lot of words on your network and others the last couple of days," Conway said. "You are talking to the world. You have to own it."
"This is what the world says," Amanpour replied. "The world says: The Sydney Morning Herald had a striking headline yesterday 'U.S. In Midst Of White Nationalist Terrorism Crisis.' A British newspaper writes: 'Gun Deaths Seem Factored Into The Discourse In America; Acceptable Losses.'""
K Conway is the anti-Christ's servant.