Fox News worst ideas lead Trump to be stupid. The dumb idea people are Ingraham, Hannity, and Carlson.
A pandemic:
adjective: pandemic
(of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.
widespread, prevalent, pervasive, rife, rampant, epidemic
Get it? The enemy is the disease, not where it came from.
covid-19 is extremely contagious and spreads EXPONSNETIALLY; it grows fast, like doubles frequently, e.g., 2-4-8-16-32-64-128 . . . It spreads very fast!
It grows fast which means it is not like current flu or other viruses which come seasonally and typically infect the same number of people each year.
The spread of covid-19 increases every day, so it is not like automobile accident deaths every year.
GOP senator says only small percentage of population might die of coronavirus
By Colby Itkowitz - Congress, campaigns, health policy, Pennsylvania politics - Mar 18
"“Getting coronavirus is not a death sentence except for maybe no more than 3.4 percent of our population . . . probably far less,” Johnson said in an interview with his home-state newspaper, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, published Wednesday. “We don’t shut down our economy because tens of thousands of people die on the highways.”"
Way to defuse the crisis Ron. How do you KNOW only 100,000 will die?
Here is how "the media" gets a bad wrap on negative reporting. If the Washington Post reports only what Fox News opinion people say, the WaPO will be accused of negative reporting. BUT the problem is WaPO only reported what Fox opinion people SAID. The Fox words were negative, not the WaPO reporting!
‘China has blood on its hands’: Fox News hosts join Trump in blame-shifting
By Allyson Chiu Reporter with the Morning Mix team - March 19 at 7:45 AM
"“This calamity, this pandemic, was avoidable,” Tucker Carlson said on his prime-time show. “It happened because China hid the truth about what was happening from the rest of the world.”
Hosts Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham took their criticisms of China even further.
“Their months-long coverup is now causing death and destruction and carnage all over the world,” Hannity said.
“China has blood on its hands,” Ingraham gravely told viewers.
The finger-pointing that unfolded over three hours of television came just as some Fox News figures were beginning to acknowledge the severity of the pandemic and the threat it poses to the United States and the rest of the world. For several weeks, as The Washington Post’s Paul Farhi and Sarah Ellison reported, President Trump’s allies on Fox News, with the exception of Carlson, were inclined to take the same stance that the president himself promoted: the novel coronavirus, which had sickened and killed thousands of people worldwide, was no worse a threat than the seasonal flu.
Now, having changed their tune on the seriousness of the crisis, they appear to be working on narratives that explain away the Trump administration’s widely acknowledged inadequacies in addressing it.
Trump appears [Absolutely IS trying to recover from the ugliness of a two MONTHS delay poo-pooing covide-19 danger, totally failing to recognize what we were getting with the NOVEL covid-19 outbreak. Many GOP are still questioning how serious covid-19 like Ron Johnson-R-Wisconsin Representative, comparing this exponentially increasing contagion to annual numbers on highway auto crash deaths, forgetting the flu outbreak in 1918 killed !50,000,000 people.] to be engaged in the same effort. He too had minimized the threat until just this week, at which point he stopped referring to the novel virus by its scientific name and instead switched to calling it the “Chinese virus.” Along with “Wuhan virus,” the label has been used by conservatives amid the outbreak, sparking accusations of racism from Chinese officials and many Asian Americans. Trump told reporters Tuesday that he started using “Chinese virus” in response to China “putting out information which was false that our military gave [the virus] to them.”
“Rather than having an argument, I said I had to call it where it came from. It did come from China,” Trump said. “So I think it’s a very accurate term.” [This is Trump the simpleton. Trump at his dumbest. Trump likes to look and be dumb, he plays like he doesn't see the problem, he is just an innocent observer.]
At a news conference Wednesday, Trump defended his repeated usage of the term but stopped short of assigning full blame to China, saying, “I don’t know if you’d say China is to blame. Certainly, we didn’t get an early run on it. It would have been helpful if we knew about it earlier.”
Meanwhile, the Fox News hosts, all of whom are ardent Trump supporters, didn’t hold back.
Kicking things off at 8 p.m., Carlson went after the media for complaining about U.S. leaders calling the virus “Chinese,” suggesting this type of outrage is exactly what China wants.
“They know that wokeness is our Achilles’ heel and they know they can control us with it,” said Carlson, who has referred to covid-19 as the “Chinese coronavirus” on-air. “They know that any conversation in this country, no matter how serious, can be shut down instantly by somebody saying, ‘Racism.’ That’s why they’re pushing it.”
The bashing of China continued with Hannity, who told viewers at the top of his show, “We have a very serious message for China’s hostile dictatorship.”
“China must be held accountable,” Hannity said, accusing the foreign country’s leaders of "[caring] more about optics than the lives of not only their own citizens, but the world community."
It is true, as The Washington Post’s Gerry Shih, Emily Rauhala and Lena H. Sun reported in February, that Chinese officials did little to inform the public about the outbreak during its early stages and sought to downplay the risk of human-to-human transmission.
But Trump has also been accused of minimizing the virus.
“We have it totally under control,” the president said on Jan. 22.
“We’re in very good shape,” he said on Feb. 14.
“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” he tweeted on Feb. 24.
There are now at least 218,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus worldwide and more than 8,700 reported deaths. In the U.S., thousands have been infected and the death toll had reached 137 by early Thursday.
The actions of the Chinese government left Hannity seething Wednesday night.
“People all over the world suffering and dying as a result of these lies,” the host said.
At the end of his hour, Hannity passed the torch to Ingraham to finish out the night."
As I said, Fox State Media opinions leads are bad people. They all overlook the fact many Americans are CHINESE AMERICANS!
Jeremy Lin rips Trump for ‘empowering’ racism with talk of ‘Chinese Virus’
By Des Bieler - Sports reporter covering national topics, including fantasy football, as well as supporting coverage of D.C.-area teams - March 18 at 9:58 PM
The terms "Chinese Flu" creates a false narrative that helps no one and does not address vovid-19 issues! The Fox State Media opinions leads are snarky shallow thinkers.
Calling covid-19 the China Flu creates hate and racist violence against Chinese AMERICANS to blame China like Laura, Hannity, and Carlson do, and it gives Americans an excuse to believe, and act like the covid-19 is not here, not so bad for us, and possibly only here where Chinese are. To fix the problem, just get rid of China and Chinese! We shuld nuke 'em!
Fox News OPINION EMPLOYEES are excluded from a phrase "the media." Hannity, Carlson, and Ingraham are "state media" to Trump like RT is to Putin. State media lacks intelligent commentary, peddle conspiracies, use alternative facts and not facts, false equivalencies, prejudice, and division to sell their stories.
Maybe the Fox News news leads are honest, objective purveyors of truth, but the Fox Opinions leads hide behind the Freedom of Speech to tear down truth and divide our country.
These words come to mind when I think of Trump and Fox News opinion leads: lies, false equivalencies, pandering, base instincts, Id, unprovable conspiracies, alternative "facts," fear mongering, misleading, empty barrel, gutless, objective, disruptive, chaotic, divisive. cowards