Name ANYONE WH Press Sec Sanders was not rude, mean, or sarcastic to, and we can start the conversation of whether Micehele Wolf was mean ENOUGH to Sanders.  If you don't want to be roasted at a roast, DO NOT GO!

Mika B. and Maggie H. you are realistically insane, you are not real or aware, you  are COWARDs cow-towing to Tweety, you are not woke when they criticize, basically emulate Trump in their criticism of Michelle Wolf.  Michelle was hired to ROAST, meaning hit 'em hard, harsh jokes, the attendees.  Michelle was not hired to be a snowflake comedian for the evening.

Trevor Noah walked a fine line, after all Michelle worked on his show up to a few months ago, but in the end Trevor got it right.  Tweety is a man, and the President, so it is OK for him to go directly for the nasty by grabbing pussy.  But Michelle is a woman, and just a comedian, so when she has a nuanced joke, SHE IS THE BAD ONE!  lol

So Mika, you are right, Trump won, but Trump won because YOU support bullying the wrong people.  You went after Wolf as she stood up to power, as she blasted the "Mean Girls," Sanders and Conway, and as she outed key issues on the American agenda to make clear what's wrong in America.

UNBELIEVABLE!  IDIOTS! IT BLOWS MY MIND.  The only cartoon that comes close is a reporter saying Michelle Wolf was mean to Sanders while Sanders gave truth a black eye!


The 1st Amendment says Michelle Wolf can go after anyone she wants, be mean or not mean.  Trump must be getting a "pass,' as he does it every damn day. 

IN FACT, Trump was sharing his divisive hate at the exact time Wolf was cracking jokes that were supposed ot be rough - IT WAS and ALWAYS HAS BEEN A ROAST!!!

"Mika Brzezinski: White House Correspondents Dinner a Big Win for Trump"

By Mairead McArdle             April 30, 2018 12:39 PM

Mika thinks Trump won because of Wolf's jokes.  No, Mika, Trump won because you did not like Wolf's jokes.  You disparaged jokes versus true harm in the form of a Press Secretary that is an expert liar.

"Mika Brzezinski declared the 2018 White House Correspondents’ Dinner a win for President Trump after the comedian invited to perform angered many, including the president.

“This was a win for Trump,” Mika Brzezinski said on Morning Joe on Monday. “If you didn’t want this to be a win for Trump, you gave him one in a big way.”

Joe and may others got it wrong too . . . Were Mika and Joe upset about the #METOO joke?

"This was too much for many mainstream journalists, who stepped up to defend Sanders and said the jokes were mean-spirited and crossed a line. Some even called for an end to the dinner’s current format, including the booking of comedians.

“Let the great comedians perform on Netflix, where we watch Dave Chappelle,” said Brzezinski’s co-host, Joe Scarborough."

"Michelle Wolf has nothing to apologise for. Her critics do, though" [RIGHT ON!]
Arwa Mahdawi

"Urging the comedian who performed at the White House correspondents’ dinner to apologize for an uncontroversial joke sends an incredibly dangerous message."

Let me tell you a few deplorable things that happened in America this weekend. Nearly 43 million people woke up in poverty in the richest country in the world. And more than 30 million Americans woke up without health insurance. A further 36 people died because of gun violence, bringing the total number of gun deaths in the US this year to 4,627.All of that is deplorable. What is in absolutely no way deplorable or shocking or outrageous or unacceptable is a joke about eye shadow. You probably know what I mean – it was headline news on Sunday. But if you missed the controversy, the summary is that a comedian called Michelle Wolf made a gag about Sarah Sanders at the annual White House correspondents’ dinner in DC.

“I think [Sanders is] very resourceful,” Wolf said about the White House press secretary. “Like, she burns facts, and then she uses the ash to create a perfect smoky eye.”

Wolf was referencing Sanders’ well-documented history of defending Trump’s brazen lies. Earlier this month for example, Sanders defended Trump’s racist claims that women from Central America are raped at “levels that nobody has ever seen before”. She also justified Trump’s entirely unfounded claims that “millions and millions” of illegal votes are cast in America’s elections by saying that the president “strongly feels” that is the case. Sanders lectures the press about accuracy but spends her days helping Trump fuel racism and hate with shameless lies. Sanders, in brief, is a morally bankrupt person and Wolf was holding her to account.

Since when did 'perfect smokey eye' become an insult, America? 
Sanders may be a morally bankrupt person but guess what? She’s also a wife and mother and it is really very mean for Wolf to stoop so low as to mention Sanders’ eye shadow. Can you imagine the devastating psychological impact of having a comedian reference your affinity for a smoky eye? Can you imagine how damaged her kids must be by the reference to their mum’s makeup?

Personally, I can’t imagine any of this, but it seems plenty of other people can. MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, for example, tweeted: “Watching a wife and mother be humiliated on national television for her looks is deplorable. I have experienced insults about my appearance from the president. All women have a duty to unite when these attacks happen and the WHCA owes Sarah an apology.”

Maggie Haberman, the New York Times’ White House correspondent, similarly tweeted: “That @PressSec sat and absorbed intense criticism of her physical appearance, her job performance, and so forth, instead of walking out, on national television, was impressive.” Haberman made sure to tag Sanders in the speech so that the press secretary would be sure to know just how outraged she was. Andrea Mitchell from NBC also tagged the press secretary in a tweet stating that an apology is owed to Sanders.

Insulting someone’s appearance is never a good look, no matter how awful a person they may be. But nothing in Wolf’s routine could possibly be construed as “intense criticism of [Sanders’] physical appearance”. And absolutely nothing in Wolf’s routine demands an apology to the press secretary.

If anything, the likes of Haberman, Brzezinski and Mitchell owe America an apology. They’re all incredibly smart women with extremely important jobs. They’re supposed to be holding power to account, not sucking up to it. Rushing to defend Sanders under a veil of faux-feminism is beneath all of them.

What’s more, urging Wolf to apologize for what should have been an uncontroversial joke sends an incredibly dangerous message. It suggests that it’s not OK to criticize the president and his people. And it lends credence to Trump’s repeated claims that the mainstream media is out to get him.

Last week the US dropped two places in the Reporters Without Borders 2018 World Press Freedom Index, with Trump’s continuous attacks on the media cited as a reason for the decline. We live in a very worrying time for free speech. Indeed, on Sunday it was reported that the US Department of Justice removed a section about the “need for free press” from its internal manual. Now more than ever, journalists need to be courageous.

The media needs to make sure it is speaking truth to power, not kowtowing to the powerful. However, as Wolf mentioned in her speech, even the liberal media is under Trump’s spell. “You pretend like you hate him, but I think you love him. I think what no one in this room wants to admit is that Trump has helped all of you. He’s helped you sell your papers and your books and your TV. You helped create this monster, and now you’re profiting off of him.”

Wolf is absolutely right. We all ought to do a lot more soul-searching about how we’re covering the Trump administration. That should have been the headline that came out of Wolf’s speech; not controversy about eye shadow.

Wolf’s words should have inspired introspection amongst the press, not a liberal backlash. So, please, spare me the faux feminist outrage about Sanders. It was just a joke. The response to it, however, has been no laughing matter.

•This article was amended on 1 May 2018 to correct the number of Americans without health insurance."


No Mika, you got it backwards for two reasons: Wolf's right to free speech at a ROAST, and a false equivalency making her jokes, jokes consistent with a ROAST, worse than what Sanders des every day!  You are wrong Mika!

Trump was speaking at his unethical (wrong way to use the bully pulpit of Presidency in my opinion - spreading lies), probably illegal political campaign rally 9campaign costs must come out of campaign funds).

Sadly liberals get called "Snowflakes" like Mika B. of the "Morning Joe" TV talk show, and Maggie H. of New York Times (must do better vetting Maggie or you are fake news), showing they are not only too lazy to read the jokes, but to UN-WOKE to realize they are criticizing Wolf's freedom to speak her jokes, what is, for many of us, the truth!  And Wolf is joking as Tweety is spewing all kinds of crap at his rally!


Courage is essential to the 1st Amendment.  Michelle Wolf showed her courage, while many, Mika B. especially, did not.  Mika B. of MSNBC's "Morning JOe" really got it wrong criticizing Wolf for a joke she never made.

I am disappointed in the cowards who think Michelle Wolf was mean to people who are ten times more mean, and undermine our democracy is being that mean!

Mika B. YOU GOT IT WRONG!  You do not know what Wolf actually said.  You failed to understand freedom  of speech too. . .

Michelle Wolf's jokes were NOT a win for Tweety, her jokes showed you what Tweety's bullying tweets have been saying all along, and what Tweety says at his continuing re-election campaign rallies almost every month since his election.

These campaign rallies are at our expense, not using RNC election campaign funds like he should be, to help him in his re-election run in 2020.  Tweety's rallies are a political campaign, no question. 

hose who have criticized Wolf are blind to Tweety's bullying, casting stones at the easy target while the bad guys trample every honest and decent American value left in this country. 

CNN and others are acting like simpletons, fools who have been cowed to the bullying, hoping to win back the "high ground" they never had with Tweety.  CNN and others bow in submission to one of the ugliest persons I have ever known to work in Government, and there have been some very ugly people in Government in this sad country.

Wolk's jokes were benign compared to Tweety's and his thug's tweet and verbal crap, and you fail to go aftyer Tweety like you go after Wolf.  SHAME ON YOU!  You inspire Tweety to attack Wolf in his "normal" ugly manner so you must see what you have unleashed, right?

"'Why are you guys making this about Sarah's looks?' Comedian Michelle Wolf hits back at those who slammed her for 'body-shaming' Trump's press secretary" [NOTE: There was no body shaming, there was truth about burning FACTs!  Did you read the joke!?  Fool! Shame on you!  Mika B. of MSNBC did not read or hear the joke because there was NO BODY SHAMING!  Mika, apologize or admit your are a coward.]

-  Michelle Wolf has defended her controversial jokes from the White House      Correspondents' Association dinner
-  Her performance on Saturday night prompted outrage, particularly the series of barbs about Sanders as the press secretary sat just a few feet away [Where was Sanders supposed to sit!  She's Trump's Press Secretary and this is about the White House Press Corps!  And who the hell cares where she sits if she can still hear it!  You are really reaching aren't you!?]
-  Wolf hit back at those critical of her, saying she never attacked Sanders' looks [Mika B. got is al wrong!  Mika is the fool here, basically admitting she did not read or hear the joke!  And she never did attack Sander's looks you aschloch!]
-  Her blistering critique of Sanders mocked everything from her truthfulness to her Southern roots, and she also noted the press secretary's eye makeup [And what is you poit - did yu forget you were trying to make this about body shaming - your first point?  Can't you even keep track of your own self-righteous bull shit?]
-  Wolf said she actually 'complimented' Sanders' eye makeup and joked about her 'despicable behavior' [This is accurate.  You know it is accurate if you read the jokes.  Did you read the jokes (Mika B.) or did you just read Tweety's tweets?]
-  Trump joined in the criticism of Wolf saying the 'filthy 'comedian' totally bombed' [Are you shocked that the bully piled on the coward's who criticized Wolf?  These cowards cowed to Tweety, making is easier for him to do his dirty deeds as he always does.  BTW, the reason the jokes bombed is because it all came out in an atmosphere built by Tweety, poisoned by Tweety, and made ugly by Tweety.  So no one enjoyed the jokes because they hear this kind of stuff every day from Tweety!!!!  Get it!?  DO YOU GET IT!?]]

By Emily Crane For    30 April 2018

Mika B. said Wolf body shamed Sanders.  Nope.  Mika got it wrong saying Wolf hurt Sanders kids and family and that Sanders did not deserve the jokes.  Bull shit Mika.  YOU, MIKA, are being an asshole defending a "1984" "War is Peace", Gestapo-like Press Secretary who daily spews fake facts and outright lies, peppered with half-truthes.

Maybe Mika was upset at this joke:

"'I watch Morning Joe every morning. Now we know Mika and Joe are engaged, it's like when a MeToo works out."

"MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski slammed the comedian on Twitter saying she owed Sanders an apology. [Shame on you Mika for not knowing what Wolf really said!  You just helped Tweety make his next tweet.]

'Watching a wife and mother be humiliated on national television for her looks [WRONG!  Mika you could not be more stupid at this moment in time!  Get the truth out there.  MIKA B. IS FAKE NEWS!] is deplorable. I have experienced insults about my appearance from the president. All women have a duty to unite when these attacks happen and the WHCA owes Sarah an apology,' she tweeted. [Mika, Wolf stayed with the code. YOU FAILED THE CODE!  YOU FAILED MIKA.  MIKA, YOU FAILED!]

'Women who use their government positions to spread lies and misinformation deserve to face the same withering criticism as men. But leave our looks out of it. Watching from home, I hurt for Sarah, her husband and her children,' she added."

WRONG-WRONG-WRONG Mika.  Mika, if you have not paid attention, let me educate you.  Sanders embarrasses her family every time she steps to the Press Secretary podium to twist truth for Trump.  YOU GOT IT WRONG MIKA!

Maggie Haberman got it wrong too!  Dumbass!  Read the jokes before you slam the jokes!

"The comedian also responded to a tweet from the New York Times' Maggie Haberman who praised Sanders for enduring the 'intense criticism of her physical appearance, her job performance, and so forth' instead of walking out."

Wolf will survive, while I am not so sure Mika or Maggie will get past their moment of outright S"TUPID AS A ROCK, and betraying a woman who did nothing wrong.  The idiots who mischaracterize Wolf's jokes and the purpose the dinner and apologizes needs to look for his brain too.

"'All these jokes were about her despicable behavior. Sounds like you [Mika and Maggie . . . others?] have some thoughts about her looks though?' Wolf tweeted.  

WHCA president Margaret Talev, a White House correspondent with Bloomberg News, apologized [COWARD!  It is called a roast!  Wolf did a roast!] on Sunday and acknowledged Wolf went too far in her slash-and-burn approach to Trump's press secretary. [No, she was actually pretty gentle compared to what Sanders dishes.]

'Last night's program was meant to offer a unifying message [A roast!  A roast!] about our common commitment to a vigorous and free press while honoring civility, great reporting and scholarship winners, not to divide people,' Talev said. [OK, tell that to Trump you idiot!  He was busy dividing us as this dinner unfolded.  Where is your criticism of Trump!  I cannot believe this hypocrisy!  It is insane!  You are all insane!]

'Unfortunately, the entertainer's monologue was not in the spirit of the mission.'

But Wolf, whose Netflix series premieres in May, lapped up the criticism and attention.

'Not in the spirit of the mission,' Wolf captioned an Instagram photo of herself.













You are cowards for criticizing Wolf and apologizing to the nastiest President and his hoodlum cronies in recent times.

The first Amendment allows bullying, hate, cruelty, but the freedom to speak your "truth" is legal and allowed by a 1st Amendment that undergirds and is the fundamental basis for our Democracy.

The White House Press Corps dinner flopped because people have lost their sense of humor, and because they are afraid of Tweety's tweets and bullying.  The atmosphere in America is sad and ugly and angry every day now as Tweety fans the flames of hate and anger and tribalism, dividing our country further and further into Red versus Blue.

I know absolutely that Tweety does not like the freedom the 1st Amendment allows.  Anyone arguing the point is acting like an Ostrich.

"At the White House correspondents’ dinner, the buzz was reduced to a snore — until Michelle Wolf showed up"
by Paul Farhi by Paul Farhi Email the author Style
April 29, 2018

"The White House Correspondents’ Association dinner on Saturday attracted about 3,000 journalists, random plus-ones and curious hangers on, but the usual buzz around the event was reduced to something more like a snore.

The annual social rite of spring in Washington was less ­the ­government-meets-Hollywood-meets-the-press glitzfest of yore and more like a dressed-up ­Kiwanis Club dinner, albeit one televised live by CNN, MSNBC and C-SPAN.

This may have been President Trump’s intent when he turned down an invitation to the dinner, making him 0 for 2 since his inauguration last year. Trump — who distilled his signature hostility toward the news media by branding them “the enemy of the people” — arranged to be out of town while the journalists and their guests partied."

If I thought Tweety was truly clever I would consider the notion Tweety may have purposefully set up the scene with a red carpet show by Conway and others to make this White House Press dinner look dumb and shallow.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Naw! 

The dinner did seem shallow and dumb to observers, but that was due to the tribal mood of the nation, America divided by Tweety's earnest effort to divide us, PERIOD.  In that sense Tweety made the dinner a waste of time, not dumb, actually. 

"The last time Trump attended, in 2011 [And Tweety got roasted by Obama which began is feud with Obama.] , he sat stoically [Cry-baby like, actually, pouting rather than laughing.] as the evening’s entertainer, Seth Meyers, dropped comic bombs on him. The prospect of it happening again seems to have deterred him from returning.

Trump did make one gesture toward press-administration glasnost, encouraging current and former members of his administration to attend (the White House announced last year that no staff employees would attend in “solidarity” with the president’s snub). And so Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus showed up. Omarosa Manigault-Newman came, too (accompanied by a fellow who tended to the train of her gown). Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders occupied a seat at the head table at the invitation of the White House Correspondents’ Association.

The celebrity cadre was small and not quite A-list: comic and Trump controversialist Kathy Griffin, Comedy Central host Jordan Klepper, Baltimore Orioles legend Brooks Robinson, Stormy Daniels attorney and ubiquitous TV presence Michael Avenatti."

The scene then was sorta sick and ugly, not fun and challenging, and inspirational as was intended.

"The political contingent was modest as well. Among the pols in attendance were former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe (D), former New Jersey governor Chris Christie (R), Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.)."

The most important person there was the official host, Michelle Wolf.  She stood up and did what she was hired to do, challenge Donald Trump to be a man.  Tweety failed the challenge because he was too immature to attend and could not have taken the jokes Michelle tossed out, like you are not rich.

"The sedate and earnest nature of the event was disrupted by comedian Michelle Wolf, the evening’s entertainer [Michelle was hired to roast attendees, but Tweety has been roasting them for over a year as President!  It fell flat because of the ugly "Presidential" atmosphere.] , who predictably went after Trump in a routine that swerved from raunchy to downright nasty. She began by saying, “Like a porn star says when she’s about to have sex with a Trump, let’s get this over with.”

Wolf vowed to get under Trump’s skin by questioning his wealth, issuing a call and response with the audience (“How broke is he?”). Her punchline included such quips as, “He’s so broke . . . he has to fly failed business class” and “he looked for foreign oil in Don Jr.’s hair.”"

Sadly, the audience attending did not have the courage to laugh when Michelle made jokes.  THEY WERE AFRAID TO LAUGH!  TWEETY HAS INTIMIDATED THESE PEOPLE.

"The White House Correspondents’ Association dinner on Saturday attracted about 3,000 journalists, random plus-ones and curious hangers on, but the usual buzz around the event was reduced to something more like a snore.

The annual social rite of spring in Washington was less ­the ­government-meets-Hollywood-meets-the-press glitzfest of yore and more like a dressed-up ­Kiwanis Club dinner, albeit one televised live by CNN, MSNBC and C-SPAN."


"The sedate and earnest nature of the event was disrupted by comedian Michelle Wolf, the evening’s entertainer, who predictably went after Trump in a routine that swerved from raunchy to downright nasty. She began by saying, “Like a porn star says when she’s about to have sex with a Trump, let’s get this over with.”

Wolf vowed to get under Trump’s skin by questioning his wealth, issuing a call and response with the audience (“How broke is he?”). Her punchline included such quips as, “He’s so broke . . . he has to fly failed business class” and “he looked for foreign oil in Don Jr.’s hair.”

She was particularly harsh on the women associated with Trump. At one point, she compared Ivanka Trump to a diaper pail, and said Kellyanne Conway has “the perfect last name” because “all she does is lie.” Several cracks about Sarah Huckabee Sanders landed poorly, such as her alleged confusion over how to refer to Sanders’s full name: “Is it Sarah Sanders? Is it Sarah Huckabee Sanders? . . . What’s ‘Uncle Tom’ but for white women who disappoint other white women? Oh, I know: ‘Aunt Coulter.’ ”"

The audience groaned?  Why?  Conway is a liar and twists the truth.  Sanders is a mean girl at the podium!  Coulter is beastly and stupid!

This is crazy!  And it is very, very sad to see all these adults so intimidated by Tweety and the tribalism of todays politics and governing.

"In place of celebrity glitz, the correspondents’ group has tried to rebrand its party as a celebration of the First Amendment, a fundraiser for journalism scholarships and an awards ceremony."

Yes, that's what this dinner should be, whether any President attends.  Have fun, blast a few pols and celebs.  Help people recognize the 1st Amendment is hard to live with, but essential to have if America wants to be the closet government to exercising true Democracy on the planet earth.

"The WHCA’s current president, Bloomberg News’ White House reporter Margaret Talev, called the president’s absence “unfortunate.”

But she added, “Our tradition of inviting U.S. presidents, vice presidents and their staffs exists not because of the individual president but because of the office. Those who accept the invitation are signaling that they support the constitutional principles at stake and the role of the press and free speech in our republic.”

One more vote for serious over fun . . . .

"“Maybe ultimately this should be more about the First Amendment, and about recognizing good journalism and about recognizing student journalists,” Tapper said. “Maybe this is not as glamorous and fun, but ultimately maybe this is what this event should be more like.”"

My take is that serious would be OK, but why let this happen because Tweety has no sense of humor?  Jokes can be rough, and our 1st Amendment freedom can be rough.  That is what our Democracy is supposed to endure!