Trump told Hannity on Fox News he had a "hunch" covid-19 was no worse than the "flu." Trump did not realize the "flu" pandemic of 1918 killed !50,000,000! Google it folks.
As of 18 March 2020 Trump lost 2 months time responding to a new flu which can kill MORE than ~50,000,000. Ya think?!
Miranda Divine is not smart enough, or perhaps paid too much to acknowledge how incredibly dumb Trump is and unaware of this historic fact. FACT!
Some Trump followers are courageous enough, honest enough to take note of Trump's failure to address and respond to covid-19. Trump gives himself a 10 out of 10, but the reality is he earned a 2, and may already be responsible for a million citizen deaths when covid-19 is done ravaging America in 2021.
‘The White House Shouldn’t Downplay the Coronavirus’
By Rich Lowry About Rich Lowry - February 27, 2020 9:18 AM
There are many Trump True Believers choosing to add fuel to the covid-19 disaster, like Miranda Divine. Of course there is Fox News people like Hannity and his conspiracy of the day also, Deep State, Democrats, FBI, you name it. It's Fox on QAnon pills.
Miranda Divine protects Trump from criticism every way she can, including ignoring the numbers that reveal his sad response to covid-19.
If you like our President leading the USA like WrestleMania, you get a man asking for 2.5B to fix covid-19, sniggering at Congress giving $8,5, laughing at Elizabeth Warren saying we need ~$400B, and now he is all in on $850B!
What I see is a slow learner, a selfish egomaniac who wanted to boost the stock market - I saw his Rally in SC where he said not a word about effectively responding to covid-19. Rather than help, Trump childishly lashed out at his critics.
What the Trump BOTS see is a great man allowing thousands and maybe millions at risk of dying because he denied what the Dems were saying, covid-19 is 4X worse than his 2.5B request.
The House Dems were wrong too, asking for $8.5B, but they apparently saw a bigger problem than Trump.
Trump served by his BOTS, the GOP, cult followers, True Believer supporters appear to think a President dividing the country and managing it like a WrestleMania event, inspiring frenzied ignorance and anger amaze me every day.
Trump denied covid-19 at first, then he deflected and downplayed it, tied to distract with Flynn, but now cannot deny covid-19 because it is a National Emergency BY HIS OWN DECLARATION.
Trump's failure to see how serious covid-19 was is reflected in the number $2.5B. The Dems said we needed $8.5 and on TV Trump said "I'll take it." like we didn't need it, implying the Dems were giving too much.
Yes Miranda Divine, interpreting what Trump says goes both ways. I interpret his seemingly snide response to signing a $85B funding for covid-19 as saying the Dems were over-reacting.
Trump did NOT, according to this number, 2.5, did NOT take covid-19 seriously "from the start." as Trump wants Americans to believe.
Trump attacks on "fake news media" and saying this covid-19 is the new Democrats HOAX are ot working because the count of sick crows as reported by "the media" and the Democrats. COVID-19 CONTINUES TO GET WORSE.
Trump cannot Reverse the Victim and Offender so he is the Victim, and every critic is the Offender. People who are not sick with covid-19 are the victims here, they are not Offenders.
Trump is the f**king President and has awesome POWER so he cannot be the victim!
You can't use DARVO either Miranda.
So when covid-10 hit the US, what did we get from King Trump? To start we got BS from Trump!
Trump’s Dangerously Effective Coronavirus Propaganda
The president’s effort to play down the pandemic is being amplified by a coalition of partisan media, digital propagandists, and White House officials.
McKay Coppins - March 11, 2020
"rom the moment the coronavirus reached the United States, President Donald Trump has seemed determined to construct an alternate reality around the outbreak. In the information universe he has formed, COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, is no worse than the seasonal flu; criticism of his response to it is a “hoax”; and media coverage of the virus is part of a political conspiracy to destroy his presidency."
You believed the propaganda Miranda Divine.
"Hired guns" like Miranda Divine say things that are not true to shield Trump from honest criticism. Miranda lied and shielded Trump from his folly calling covid-19 another Democratic hoax. She got herself into a pretzel like twist to INTERPRET, i.e., alter, what he said and meant.
Criticisms of Trump’s coronavirus response are sickening: Devine
By Mirand Divine - March 1, 2020
"You could hardly blame the president for calling all this unfair criticism the “new hoax” of the Democrats and Resistance media, to try to take him down, like the Russia collusion hoax and the impeachment gambit. Of course, then his opponents twisted his words to pretend he had called the coronavirus a “hoax.”"
Here's what Trump said as recorded on TV, so we all saw it, did not need to read it Miranda. Why do you feel a need to defend the indefensible?
Trump, who has previously called alarm over coronavirus 'a hoax' and compared it to the flu, now says he's 'always viewed it as very serious'
Kayla Epstein - 2020-03-17T18:01:10Z
""One of my people came up to me and said, 'Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.' That did not work out too well." Trump told his supporters. "They could not do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. ... They tried anything. ... And this is their new hoax.""
Turn it anyway you want Miranda, stand on your head, tell us new words he was thinking when he said "hoax," interpret what he meant to say or convey, go for his common plausible deniability tricks, but intelligent people saw what Trump said and we know what we saw is what he said.
YouTube shows what trump said Miranda. Ignore it. Don't look.
Go to YouTube.
GIf you look at the video to your Dear Leader WrestleMania guy in his SC Rally you will see him say the covid-19 is a Democratic hoax Miranda.
DO YOU CARE TO SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER? Nope. Even when you see he said what he said and not what you want us to believe he said he was being criticized. Even if he was being criticized, the covid-10 was not a hoax.
Trump: 'Fake News Media,' Democrats working to 'inflame the CoronaVirus situation'
By Rebecca Klar - 9 March 2020
It's tough Miranda, but the Dems were right to criticize Trump's denial and downplay of covid-10. His administration was very slow getting up to speed to fight covid-19 and you know this as truth and fact.
I suspect you like serving Trump, it pays better than standing up to him and exposing him for what he is, a weak, inexperienced, sloppy President.
Here's more idiocy. Fumbling the ball of covid-19, Trump wants us to believe his initiative can prevent pandemics. Trump stupidly thinks the Wall on the southern border will keep out pandemics?
Miranda, even you know that is not true.
Walls are stationary, people are not. People go over, around, even under walls, the go across the border at official entry points and the virus does not need to be carried by an immigrant nor des it need a passport. By the way come in via airports and ships, from Canada. Come on Miranda, stop BS-ing us. I know, that won't pay your bills . . . ; < )
Trump downplayed the coronavirus threat in its early days. A new report says Jared Kushner had been telling him the media was exaggerating the crisis.
Trump says he always took covid-19 seriously. Thus Trump tuns to his last and always "best" tactic: LIES. Trump denied covid-19 and would still be denying it if people were not dead.
Sell whatever snake oil you want Miranda, those of us that do more than accept your twisted logic will get to the truth.
Inspired by Trump, and now you, Miranda, people decide covid-19 is a hoax.
Inside the Pro-Trump Facebook Group Where First Responders Call Coronavirus a Hoax
In a private Facebook group, firefighters and paramedics shared memes and conspiracy theories doubting the pandemic, raising concerns that they aren’t taking precautions to protect themselves and others.
by Isaac Arnsdorf - March 17, 12:41 p.m. EDT
5 times Trump and US officials downplayed coronavirus as the administration struggled to prepare for the growing pandemic
"From claiming Democrats were making the coronavirus "their new hoax" to saying "it will go away," President Donald Trump has consistently tried to downplay the severity of the outbreak."
"At a campaign rally on Feb. 28 in North Charleston, S.C., Trump said accused the Democrats of using the coronavirus as "their new hoax." "
Welcome to trump's stable of "interpreters," shields from criticism Miranda. You must know you are not Trump's first "Cheer Leader" Miranda. Kellyanne Conway leads the verbal TV pack of course. There are many writers that came before you. Here is one. Aidan is saying how wonderful the WrestleMania Prez is too.
People like you Miranda, have lowered the standard for leadership of the free world so far we might as well go without any Prez since the federal government seems leaderless anyway.
Fox & Friends Guest Celebrates Trump Fat-Shaming People at His Rallies: All Part of His ‘Razzle Dazzle’