Even Obama lied . . .
"America's Deadliest Export, Democracy - The Truth About US Foreign Policy and Everything Else"
copyright 2014
William Blum
"Lie: Truth, Deception, and the Spirit of I.F. Stone’"
A documentary about the original indie journalist, and his contemporary inheritors, is a film to both agree and argue with.
By Owen Gleiberman 4 Nov 2016
With: Jeremy Scahill, Matt Taibbi, Glenn Greenwald, Michael Moore, Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky, John Carlos Frey, Cenk Uygur.
"“All Governments Lie: Truth, Deception, and the Spirit of I.F. Stone” is an urgent and fascinating documentary. Even if you belong to the choir it’s preaching to, it has the rare distinction of being a movie you can agree and argue with at the same time. The title makes it sound like a portrait of I.F. Stone, the trend-setting investigative journalist (he died in 1989) who in his highly influential self-published newsletter, I.F. Stone’s Weekly, tweaked and railed against the sins of the U.S. government — and the mainstream media, though back then it was known simply as, you know, journalism — from the early ’50s through the early ’70s. Stone, you could argue, was the missing link between Thomas Paine and the Internet. “All Governments Lie” treats him as the original political blogger, though it doesn’t offer much more than a thumbnail sketch of Stone. His gadfly spirit hovers over the movie, but his life and work occupy maybe 10 minutes of it"
Then there is the sad truth about how power corrupts people, our leaders, to make them think they are allowed to do anything they want as long as THEY think it is OK. They lie and deceive us, and waste our country in their names.
"Enemies: The President, Justice & The FBI"
Four-Part Documentary Series on Showtime
"About The Series
This four-part documentary series from Academy Award® winner Alex Gibney presents the long, complex history of presidents testing the rule of law and the FBI’s job to enforce it. It tells the story of the epic confrontations between the President and the FBI. From Nixon and Hoover to Trump and Comey, each battle illuminates a different facet of our democracy and the law. Using the present as a prism, we look back to see which lessons held up, which didn’t and how the current investigation of the Trump administration might turn out."