"I am standing at my podium and she walks in front of me.  And believe me I wasn't impressed." Donald Trump statement in public!  Not even off camera!  Donald's surrogates say Donald is not stalking Hillary?  The Republicans / surrogates want to talk about the issues, But DONALD does not want to talk to real issues?  Donald is emotionally weak!  Donald brings up the sexual issues!  Donald is obsessed with abusing women.  Owning women.  Disrespecting almost every human on the planet!  Where are the Donald's Evangelical supporters?  Blonde cuties surround him, right?  Why are so many on Donald's Trumps surrogates blonde cuties?

What else can the Donal say?  He has to deny, deny, deny.  You know or at least sense the truth.

sex·u·al ha·rass·ment
noun: sexual harassment
harassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks.

Threat are Donald Trumps defense?

Do you really want to accuse and blame the accuser?  Really?  Do you have any idea how hard it is to come forward on sexual harassment?  Do YOU!?  At least one accuser is Republican!