Covert Magazine is one of many magazines with journalists that support Putin's War. Western jounralists counter with arguements against Putin's War. All the journalists use a forest of words, and selected facts to justify, or argue against Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Covert Magazine is a Russian propaganda machine. Western Journalists fear loss of power over lesser nations. Evil exists on both sides. Looking at Putin's War by the numbers shows the invasion is the worst evil of our time, 2024: * Putin "avenges" 14,000 or so killed in Donbas over 8 years. The dead were all Ukrainian citizens, notwithstanding some spoke Russian. I speak German, but that does not make me a German citizen. Compre 14,000  killed in 8 years VS  620,000 Americans killed in the US Civil War in 4 years, and no country invaded the US to rescue the South! As ugly as Civil Wars are, they are a war for the sovergnty of an established nation, not an attack on any other nation. * About 1,000,000 Ukrainian and Russian soldiers KILLED & INJURED for Putin's War to avenge 14,000 & save Ukrainians who speak Russian. How is this logical? The worst part is Many of the dead Ukrainians are unarmed non-combatants * Count the Untold multi-billions of bomb and rocket damage to Ukraine city and village structures, and infrastructure. Will Putin rebuild what he destroyed? * Putin is not reporting every dead soldier becasue he knows it hurts his cause, whatever that is. Unleashed with a license to kill, soldiers inevitably rape and sodomize the enemy (we know these crimes are common because no one can take pictures, so soldiers will be soldiers), torture BY cutting off ears and limbs (also common in war).* The worst number is over 70,000 KIDNAPPed Unkrainian children! Who knows what is being done to these children? What purpose did this kidnapping serve? Putin's War is a war no common Russian wnated. the Russian families of the soldiers forced to fight Putin’s war wish their men and boys could be home in Russia, by the fire, sipping tea. Ukrainian children were  taken to Russia, “adopted” by Russian families for God knows what! Are they Slave labor? Sex hostages? People are good, I think, or I wish. History tells us this is more a wish than reality. The “Territorial Imperative” indicts humans murderers. Men choose to kill for a piece of sod. Children die for men's greed. The saddest thing I see in war is the frightened children, the children in Gaza. Tears well up in my heart and soul as I read the estimated 10 million children killed in war in the last 10 years. On average, there may be 25 innocent, playful, laughing children killed, injured, maimed every day. Does it sicken you? It is all so pointless. Gains by war are temporary. There are stories of wars from the beginning of time, with biblical, religious wars the worst. Glamorizing killing for some religious purpose!? It is insane! Organized, formally sponsored, incredibly wealthy religion is fundamentally flawed as each one cruelly claws for supremacy. “Civilized society” is insane. From the start of time there have been wars and humankind has learned nothing. Religious people say their Bible (or any big book) predicted wars for all time. religions rationalize their crimes against humanity by scripture. Their God says killing is OK.  God kills so it cannot be bad. GOD created mankind so why isn't God at fault for mankinds evil? God is all powerful isn't he/she? One of the magic “Gods” drowned everyone on the planet according to a Bible, sparing Noah, his family, and the “best” animals?  Children died by God's hand and they were not evil! God made the people, they became evil, yet the only way he could correct HIS/HER mistake, despite being THE ALL POWERFUL GOD, was to drown everyone? I’m a sociologist. Human kind's History promises a slow death for us all, by war. people like killing people. God does it so people do it. What is the death goal today, April 12, 2024? I hope the stories defending Putin's War make the world, and Ukraine better places, but I assure you they will not do so. Whatever “good” comes of Putin’s War will be temporary because corruption and evil always follow. It is the way of humans. Do we have to choose one side in every war? Support for Putin’s War will be memorable for a short time. The support has credible logic, but war is not logical.  Over the years the articles supporting Putin's War will end up in librarys, abd will be forgotten. The defense for murder will fade in significance in the passage of time. In 10 years the articles might show the defenders of Putin's War chose the “right” side. WARS need and FEED ON The articles that defend them. The Western journalists write articles to support Ukraine. Support for sides in war is wrong. Even self-defense requires moderation. The sides get strength from any support they get. And people die, children die. Zealots like to take a side in wars. Too few are willing to argue against both sides. Killers need support because Without support, through time, the killers retreat into the shadows. US Congress people like Marjorie Taylor Greene support Putin!? Is anyone besides Liz Cheney going to call out "MTG" for supporting Putin. The wolrd is Insane! These wars will never stop, and will become exponentially worse in years to come right. That is what I see ahead for all humans. There is no world peace to look forward to. We can only find solace in our private lives, in our quiet homes and neighborhoods. There is no one person, nor any nation to stop wars is there? Starting wars is so easy. Iran attacks Israel, the US bombs Syria, and on and on. There is no courage involved in wars, in the killing. Wars and Killing is like a video game now. Send drones, kill, repeat. Is support for any warring nation wise? Where does such support lead? Will nations cease warring ever?Mankind, nations are a sad, sad lot.

sharing 44 years dod contracts, ideas for unity

HUmane conservatives unite
Began blog focus on DoD acquisition, poor budget & process execution, Darleen Druyun-like fraud, waste, abuse of BILLIONS. Refocused on GOP anti-Democracy work, fear mongering, violent rhetoric, Dem tribalism, Trump Socialism for Corporations & farmers, gutting law & order + National
TWEETY'S "TRUTHFUL HYPERBOLE - it's from this: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” DR. JOSEPH GOEBBELS


  1. Learning is a life time project, Air Force and Raytheon Company

    I studied Business Management at Indiana University, completed Masters level graduate courses in Sociology at Trinity University, completed about 6 contracts management classes for the Air Force like Two Step Bid Process, Pricing, Contract law, Base Contracting, taught Sociology 101 while assigned at England AB for a local college, completed a calculus course an University of Denver (grade A), completed my Masters degree in Public Administration at University of Northern Colorado, completed Defense Systems Management College (a 5 month course in Program management), completed Armed Forces College and Air Command and Staff College (completed exams and submitted papers via correspondence), and many more classes at Raytheon Company during 17 years working for that Defense Contractor.  A significant learning project with Raytheon was Earned Value Management.

  2. Teacher, instructor at Lowery AB, CO-Fed Acq Reg., Rose to "Master Instructor" teaching Air Force Contracting professionals compliance to the FAR

    I taught and wrote the course for Federal Acquisition Regulation reading, understanding, interpreting, and applying the FAR to Defense Contracts.  My partner and I rewrote the course to reduce it from a 6 week course to a 4 week course, saving approximately $350,000 over 5 years.

  3. -
    Graduate study Sociology to understand behaviors, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas

    I developed a passion for Sociology from an undergraduate Sociology class I took at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.  The course was a reading of 20 books on the Black Experience.  My Masters Thesis, two tries, were 1. "False Alarms and How People React" after a local San Antonio radio station sent out a nuke attack alarm, and 2. Mate Selection, Complementarity Sustains and Opposites Attract, to study military spouse choices.  I lacked the energy to finish these thesis, but did a lot of work o both.  The Air Force moved me to Alexandria, LA, then Denver, CO in the years I worked to finish the thesis. 

  4. -
    Worked 44 years in USA Defense Contracting, Kelly AB, England AB, Lowry AB, Ramstein AB, Wright-Pat, Eglin AB, Hanscom, BMO & Norton

    I can serve as an Adjunct Professor, even occasional ROTC speaker sharing ways Team synergy affects effectiveness and efficiency in businesses. I can help youth evolve intellectual dynamism & curiosity. I can convey the benefits of integrated business processes, documented / communicated procedures, and the right measurements for process control; demonstrate a sociological, Total Quality Management approach. I like the “Storyboard” approach to lessons learned, talking about organizational behavior, practical differences between successful leadership and able management with enabling Six Sigma analysis to improve processes, find ways to influence change in Team behavior, Continuous Process Improvement, and Capability Maturity Model Integration principles, while avoiding clichés.



  • irritate with creative ideas
  • teaching federal acquisition
  • public administration
  • sociology, psychology
  • inspect-asses-advise programs
  • Teaching basic earned value
  • facilitating productive work
  • analysis of contract language
  • writing, coordinating policy
  • Process analysis

Questions & Answers

What did I learn in 44 years of defense acquisition and people management?
The characteristics of best leader/follower: emotionally mature, honest, admits flaws, avid reader, history buff/understands it/properly uses it, teaches well, consistent in choices, logical, never bullies or loses temper, enjoys humor, self-deprecating, unifies for max results, criticizes actions not person, gives credit due, never brags or takes credit for success, promotes Team over Self
Why do US citizens believe Pres Trump's BIGGEST & MOST OBVIOUS lies? J. Goebbels explains.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” "Truthful hyperbole" was not invented by Pres. Tweety.
Can creative people unintentionally irritate others?
Yes, for many reasons! My impatience, for example, to share ideas includes impaired listening, sometimes interrupting discussions, prematurely drawing conclusions. I am excessively detailed at times. I apologize to the people I have frustrated.


  • The Gold Idol for IDOLATRY
    The Gold Idol for IDOLATRY" is real - see CPAC 2021.  Trump has made sinners of the Christians who follow him.  They are hypocrites for following an amoral man.
  • CPAC literally created a golden idol for the cult f Trump to bow down to and worship Feb 2021.  Do you worship Trump too?  Idolatry is immoral.
    CPAC literally created a golden idol for the cult f Trump to bow down to and worship Feb 2021.  Do you worship Trump too?  Idolatry is immoral.
  • CPAC stage Feb 2021 was a Nazi rune, confirming what we know to be true of these extremists.
    CPAC stage Feb 2021 was a Nazi rune, confirming what we know to be true of these extremists.
  • Trump faked action for covid-19 that killed >500K Americans as of Feb 2021, them he committed treason 6 Jan 2021.  Trump is corrupt, a tax fraud as best, a murderer at his worst.
    Trump faked action for covid-19 that killed >500K Americans as of Feb 2021, them he committed treason 6 Jan 2021.  Trump is corrupt, a tax fraud as best, a murderer at his worst.
  • ex-President Trump has always said he takes no responsibility for many blunders, especially the covid-19 infection deaths he did too little to avoid.
    ex-President Trump has always said he takes no responsibility for many blunders, especially the covid-19 infection deaths he did too little to avoid.
  • America had Ministry of Truth in 1917; Trump has Fox News as his servant, and tiny OANN backed by Sinclair Broadcasting Corp. All gaslight America.
    America had Ministry of Truth in 1917; Trump has Fox News as his servant, and tiny OANN backed by Sinclair Broadcasting Corp. All gaslight America.
  • Trump makes enemies every day in a fake display of masculinity. He's a bully with no morals, and like all bullies, he will go down to
    Trump makes enemies every day in a fake display of masculinity. He's a bully with no morals, and like all bullies, he will go down to "David."
  • Trump is a coward as he never acknowledges his mistakes, even in 2022, and uses Deny, Attack, Reverse Offender and Victim to fool has cult-like followers.
    Trump is a coward as he never acknowledges his mistakes, even in 2022, and uses Deny, Attack, Reverse Offender and Victim to fool has cult-like followers.




The US set the precedent for Russia to attack Ukraine by wrongly attacking Iraq. USA holds blame.

Russia has been killing Ukrainian civilians since the first ay of Putin's War, yet there are countries and people who think that is OK?!


United States